Duke Ryan's Birthday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Ben's Birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sam's Birthday

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here are some pictures of my GUEST ROOM, and re-arranged living room. I can't wait for these baby toys to be gone, but I don't want my babies to grow.

Boys in the Same Room!

Selfishly, I decided to put the boys in the same room, I want a girlie room! Andy was not crazy about the idea, so he came home on Monday from playing golf and the house was a mess because I had started switching the rooms. (He knows me so well he had already guessed I was going to do this) However, he is very happy they are now in the same room. Sam is sick and wakes up during the night for a bottle, so last night when Sam woke up I took him to feed him, and when I came back in their room Ben got up and said, "Mommy, put the baby in the BED!" Ben LOVES having Sam in there.

Yesterday, I subbed and Andy watched the boys and when he put them down for a nap he said he could hear them talking to each other for 30 min! How sweet!

Here are a few pictures of the new arrangements in the house. So all my out-of-town family and friends, come on down; you have your own room! (Hurry up Mimi & Pops!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Forbes Family Website Moves!

I received an e-mail last week notifying me that aboutmybaby.com (the server we use) is going out of business. Although we have been very happy there, we are now joining the land of bloggers. Please forgive me as I am slowly learning about the "blog." Blogger is not as user friendly as the other server.

We had quite a busy holiday season, first was Sam's baby dedication and Mimi Pops came for that. Then as soon as they left Cousin Keith came to visit, then Christmas, where Sam made his debut as Baby Jesus. After Christmas Aunt Beta came to visit for a week, with friends Erin and Killian. Needless to say we have been BUSY! Now it is time to get back in to reality, where Sam has decided to crawl full force, but he really wants to walk. And finally he says "ma-ma!"

Ben is doing great, and going potty all the time, but we still have not mastered the other! He says full sentences, and frequently I get asked if he is 4! Andy and I are banking on him being our smarty pants, like his Tia!

Here are a few pictures of sweet Sam with his Aunt Beta, or Nanny Beta, and Sam eating his cereal all by himself! Yes, he is now 9 months!!!