Duke Ryan's Birthday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Ben's Birthday

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sam's Birthday

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ben's Field Day

Ben was on the blue team, and so excited!

He could not wait to run!!! He told Daddy he would run the fastest!

It was nerve wracking to watch as a mommy though!

So glad he no longer runs like his mother!


Best buds!

The final competition the obstacle course!

He did great and can't wait to compete next year!

Spring Break 2012

Spring Break started off in the final 10 weeks of my pregnancy! Baby Duke is measuring a week ahead of schedule just like Ben and Sam did. (They were both born in my 38th week.) The boys are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their baby brother!

Tuesday morning Sam had his first dentist appointment and he did great! (Unfortunately, Ben has his first cavity!) I can't help but feel guilty about Ben being pregnant makes me lazy and I have not made sure he is brushing his teeth well :(

Later to reward the boys for doing so well at the dentist I took them to Daddy's golf course to hit some balls. According to Daddy they are naturals! Ben is going to attend his first golf camp this summer.

Ready to drive!

Now that we know how to drive we are going to take out our future wife, Georgia Koch. (My best friend Rachel's daughter.)

Rachel and Georgia came up in the middle of spring break to play with us!

We took the kids to the Miami Children's Museum.

My future firefighters. (If golf doesn't work out)

Georgia decided to get into the action.

Then a little fishing with Daddy.

Now onto being a policeman.

Sam doesn't know if he wants to be one.

Time to leave the Children's Museum and we are leaving as pirates!

Friday we took the kids to Ocean Reef and they had a blast! The water was perfect!

Exhausted and ready to leave though!

I don't know if Erich (Georgia's Dad) will be happy that I posted this pick. :)

We went to Gammy's house and she LOVES to play dress-up!

I packed in the fun because I know Duke is coming.....