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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas with the Forbes

There are so many memories that we made as a family over the holiday. I don't even know where to begin, except that it was so wonderful! Andy and I are so blessed to have such a beautiful family between our boys and our parents and so many more, we would not be here today without any of them.

When I downloaded the pictures on to my blog they uploaded out of order, so my captions will help you understand what's going on. Someday I swear I will figure out how to arrange the order on this blog.

This was my Christmas present from Marsha and Fred. (I have been wanting one for YEARS!)

The scooter was for Ben, but somehow Sam thought it was his?

Ben also got a bike, that kept Santa's elves up all night putting it together!

It looked like Toys R Us threw up in our house, this is only half of it.

Seriously, how cute?

We love them all!

Tia is always fun!

Andy HAD to have caramel corn!

I did NOT know what a process it was!

Golfing with the Forbes...

No, Pops and Daddy would not let the boys go:(

Mimi always has to ride too!

My dad is getting them ready to move back to Texas.

Ogie bought the boys hats and shirts in Kerrville, TX, but my boys have big heads and neither hat fit their big Cuban heads!

Our gingerbread house looks awesome b/c it was a kit from William-Sonoma!

We need to practice our swing.

Sam, well he needs to practice a lot of things!

Here's wishing all of you a Happy New Year!