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Monday, January 30, 2012

Christmas 2011

Making their annual gingerbread houses with Mimi!

Christmas with Pops and Mimi. They had 3 days in a row of gifts!

Leaving the carrots out for the reindeer, they ate them all!

Daddy, Ben and Mimi spent HOURS creating the LEGO police station.

Presents from Gammy.

Tia loves to play with her nephews.

Their Hex bug track from Mimi and Pops.

Waited in line for an hour to see Santa and sweated the whole time!

The boys had such a great time with all their family over the holidays. We spent much of it relaxing around the house and enjoying each others company. It was a tight fit not sure how it is going to go next year with Duke! Hope you all had a great holiday and Happy New Year!